*Article of the day*💡

To forge a financial destiny of abundance, you will first learn how to change what causes scarcity in your life. There is gold everywhere, but its either we ain't trained to see it or we do not have enough zeal to search for it. Once your mind thus shift, AN IDEA pops in your mind. But this idea must not only be put into practice, it must be given priority and tremendous emotional intensity by continually focusing on it. Any resources that supports its attainment will eventually become clear. And you start to connect to people who will help you achieve.
IdeaMarket is doing a great deal of exposing people's potential to the right environment. It is said that business without marketing is like wincing a girl in the dark. You know your idea, what you are capable of doing or what you are doing but no one else does. Financial intelligence is a synergy of developing an Idea, investing, marketing and law. Those operating from the law of success; after investment do all their best to succeed. Even if they fall, they don't give up, they don't opt for plan B, the law keeps them fighting until they are successful.
