As you proceed through the year, consistently apply the right principles. It is what you keep doing after the heat of the moment has passed that counts.
It's easy to be driven by emotions and talk about climbing the mountain ahead but it is the ability to keep fighting when everyone has fallen on the wayside that really matters.
It's easy to talk about resolutions and goals in January but discard everything thereafter.
The winner keep at their game through thick and thin bearing in mind that a rolling stone gathers no moss. Do it again and again and again inspired by rain drops that create a hole in a rock by hitting on the same spot over and over again.
Muhammed Ali, the great boxer, started telling people how he was the greatest long before he even won any championship. By sticking to his craft over the long haul, he emerged as the sportsperson of the last century.
Be insanely attached to your assignment through and through.
Have a Great week End! 🏄🏼♀️🏊♀️🚵🏼♀️🧗🏽♂️🤺🏇🏼🐾💐👍😊
Be a goal-getter. Make new decisions to move your life forward. Get yourself out of self limiting thoughts.
Prepare to take risks that you are convicted will move your life forward. Declutter your thoughts from negative noises of the crowd. Be ready to walk alone if needful! If you love walking in the midst of the crowd, you can never rise beyond it. Move yourself above the crowd to the next level of greatness. Excuse your life from haters and destiny eaters.
You are likely to be few at the top but that's the place you belong where risk takers and positive people belong.
Be dilligent in your duties. Avoid anyone that has the mission of slowing you down from achieving your life purpose; learn to excuse yourself without entering into any disagreement or scornful activities with them. You've got what it takes to make it.
Think beyond now and see GOD in your big plan. You shall touch the stars!
Have a Great day! 🏄🏼♀️🏊♀️🚵🏼♀️🧗🏽♂️🤺🏇🏼🐾💐👍